Sunday, 22 May 2016

Musical Theatre: " Practise Journal"

Throughout the week we have continued to practise scenes one by one, we paused at the scenes that needed changes and improvements. We have also rehearsed particular songs that we struggled with as well as fixed or added in to the choreography where it was necessary. We have worked really hard on every little detail that needed our attention in order to make it perfect. In addition, we had to learn all of the songs and script of by heart and when each person steps onto the stage and when to move the platform that we will be using. The platforms play a very big role in the play as they are used to change the scene through the play as well as used as props. In the next week, we only have 2 rehearsals before the show-day, of which is the tech run which involves setting up the lighting and other technical stuff ready for the show which takes up a lot of time. The will also including checking our costumes and timing if there will be enough time in-between the scene to get changed for the next scene. Everybody has a to be perfectly prepared for tomorrow’s rehearsals so that there will be no stoppage during. So recapping, we have to work hard and make sure that we are perfectly ready for our last show this year.

Last Thursday after our rehearsal, our teacher gave us an overall opinion and thoughts about the whole show thus far as well as individual feedback to each and every one of us. He told us what our strengths and weaknesses, how we can improve our character, what scenes to improve on etc. I have to improve on the song “Opportunity” and “Getting Ready”. I have to practise on my diction because I sound unclear in the last couple of lines. In the second song, I have to improve my timing as I don’t sing exactly with the music as well as rushing words in certain lines. So my goal and aim for improvement was and still is diction and rhythm.

From the acting side, my teacher gave a feedback on the volume level whilst I’m on the stage. He said I am too quite at times and I need to talk louder so that the audience will hear what I am saying. Although I think this may be because he is playing on the piano throughout the play and it may appear like I am not loud enough because he sits closer to the piano and can hear it much loud. On the other hand I do agree with this opinion because I can catch myself saying lines too quietly at time, where I think I am loud enough but re-watching it on the computer shows that I need to be louder. The fact that we will all have a microphone when on the stage will make us all sound much louder. He also said to me that I need to play more with my character and let loose so that it will make it more reliable and realistic. I think that I will improve on all of the points so that on show day I will be ready to give the best performance I will ever have.

So I am pasting the 2 videos below where I am practising the points I had to improve on (including diction):


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